Tell us a little bit about yourself and what God has called you to do? I am an attorney that took a year off to write a book and pray about the next direction in my life. I practiced divorce law for 12 years and knew I was not living fully in what God wants me to be contributing to life. While waiting on my next book to launch, I am developing an online course for women to seek out more joy in their daily lives.
Where do you live and have you lived anywhere else? My mother threw away every law school application that was outside of Oklahoma because she knew I would never come home. So I live in Oklahoma City. I have lived in various parts of Oklahoma but as soon as our kids are grown, hubs and I are hitting the road in an RV and changing our address every night.
How do you carve out time with God everyday? I have 5 minutes between the coffee pot kicking on and the kids waking up. I use those 5 minutes to stand in front of the coffee pot and pray about the upcoming day.
What is your favorite Bible Verse? Isaiah 46:4: “I have made you. I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” This verse reminds me that He is in control and no matter what the circumstances, He is always coming for me.
What is your best organizational/planning tip? Forget to plan everything out once in awhile. Jump in the car with your crew and just drive. Stop when you want. Eat when you need and explore something new.
What is your family’s favorite go-to easy meal? It’s a soup recipe that you can make in no time. Brown ground beef or chicken, then add 4 cups of a medley of your favorite veggies. Stir in garlic and add 2 large cans of vegetable stock. Season to taste. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Cut cornbread and place in bowl. Top with soup and grated cheese.
Tell us your favorite God story (in your own life)? Growing up, we went to the beach every spring break. The summer I turned 13, the water was too cold to go in so we spent the days picking up seashells and playing in the sand. Almost all of the sea shells we found were broken and jagged. One afternoon, I was walking with my feet in the water and I prayed that one day God would let me see a sand dollar that was intact. I looked down after I was done praying and a tiny, whole sand dollar was stuck to the top of my foot. I love that story because my life is taught with heartache and some hard moments, but God cares about it all . . . especially the little things.
What are your 3 favorite books, other than the Bible of course? Love Does by Bob Goff (I give this book as a gift to at least 1 person every year), A Million Miles In A Thousand Years by Donald Miller (I try to read this book every year. Such profound, beautiful words), Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls (I read it when I was 12 and it was the 1st book I cried at the ending).