Tell us a little bit about yourself and what God has called you to do? I work as an IT security analyst and freelance writer, but my most treasured titles are wife, mama, and ayah (visit my blog to learn more about that!). My husband Mike and I have six children and two grandchildren (some by birth; some through circumstance; all from God), and are close to being empty-nesters. My calling, first and foremost, is to love God with all my soul, strength, and mind, and to love my neighbor. Through that, I believe I've been called to affect the lives of others in whatever I am doing in whatever season of life for God's glory. During this season, that looks like loving my family well, obediently honing my writing skills, and patiently watching God unfold what's next! As for my passion, I love learning about people and local communities and discovering the stories that emerge from both.

Where do you live and have you lived anywhere else? I’ve lived in Mississippi, southern Arkansas, and all over Louisiana. I married into a good Cajun-French family and now call South Louisiana “home.”

How do you carve out time with God everyday? I wake up around 4:45-5:00 a.m. to make sure I have that time. Without it, my day crashes and burns!

What is your favorite Bible Verse? Share with us why you love it so much. Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” I love this verse because it is full of God’s promises! Not only does our magnificent Creator have a plan and purpose for our lives, He equips us for that plan and purpose with the strength of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us through our faith and trust in Christ.

What is your best organizational/planning tip (other than your Anchored Press Planner, of course)? I use Evernote as my digital filing cabinet--everything from the water bill to Bible study notes get scanned and filed there for easy retrieval later. For digital photos, I organize and store in Dropbox, using a folder for each year and folders for each event (example: In my “2017” folder, I might have “06 Ocoee River Trip” and “04 Noah’s graduation”).

What is your family’s favorite go-to easy meal (you can provide the recipe if you’d like)? Pierogies with Sausage, Sour Cream, and Sautéed Onions. Mrs. T’s Pierogies (found in the frozen section at the grocery store--we like the Classic Cheddar) boiled for 5-7 minutes. Place 3-4 in bowl and top with link sausage (sliced and sautéed), sautéed onion slices, and a couple of dollops of sour cream. YUM!

Tell us your favorite God story (in your own life)? I was 32, divorced with 2 young children, and in absolute despair at the seemingly impossible dream of sharing the rest of my life with a godly husband. Who would want me with all my baggage? And if I did meet someone who was interested in me, what kind of baggage would he have? Tears ran down my face as I cried out to God in one of my morning-commute-prayer-sessions, and I gave it to Him. “Lord, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life without a companion. Please send me someone who will serve you alongside me.”

I submitted to Him this desire and told Him I would trust Him to work it out. As I turned the corner near the end of my commute, I looked up at the overcast sky. It was as though someone had cut a small slit in a grey blanket and pulled it open so I could see a treasure hidden behind it. I saw a piece of a rainbow through that hole, and I knew that God was reminding me to lean into the promises He has given me in His Word.

Just a couple of months later I met Mike, the man I would later marry, who loves me and cherishes me in ways I had stopped believing in (Fairytale romances do exist!). More importantly, He loves God, and we worship and serve Him together. Through our marriage, this boy-mom also gained the daughters I never had. God answered my prayer with more than I could have ever dreamed!

What are your 3 favorite books?

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods kick-started my love for reading. The entire series is a must-read!
  • Jane Eyre is a classic I revisit every couple of years.
  • I began reading My Utmost for His Highest daily at the suggestion of a friend. My faith has matured because it has made me dig into God’s Word and to think about passages in ways I never did before.

We are dying to know  . . . what do you use as a daily reminder to pause and ponder before you act? I think the most important thing I do each morning is spend time in my Bible, learning more about who God is and how He wants to grow me and use me. Being more patient, kind, gentle, and encouraging to others is something that flows out more when I am nurturing my head and heart knowledge of all that God has done for me. And for those times when I really want to speak before I think, I ask God to place His “Divine Duct Tape” over my mouth! ;)