Tell us a little bit about yourself and what God has called you to do? I am Kathy with a K, childhood story there. I’ve known from an early age that God was calling me to serve others. My journey in life hasn’t always been an easy one. It has been filled with disappointments, depression and the loss of many that I loved. Most recent was my husband, Dennis. He truly was my “Knight in Shining Armor”. It was the most devastating moment in my life but God has used it for good. I know now clearer than ever that my calling is to share hope with those who seem hopeless, to share my journey of restoration in a dry land and to help other women become whole and healthy in mind, body and spirit. I am a Christian yoga teacher (RYT-200) who uses a simple mat to show other women how to worship God in a new way. I hope to set my heart on writing a book in the near future. Writing is something that I’ve loved my entire life.
Where do you live and have you lived anywhere else? I live in Newton, Mississippi. A great little town of about 4,000. It has seen many changes through the years but it’s spirit never changes. People loving people. Big hearts, big spirits and big ideas. I have actually lived in several places throughout my life. When my birth father died my mother relocated us to Jackson, MS and after that I lived in Florida, Texas, Virginia and back home 23 years ago to Newton. I guess you could say I made a big loop back to home. I like small town living.
How do you carve out time with God everyday? These days I use my yoga mat to spend time with God. I teach 7 classes a week so that makes it easy. Truth is I have found two things that work for me outside of yoga. In the morning when I wake if I have a little extra time I will wake up and stretch my body and immediately get out a journal and begin to write out what I’m thankful for or jot down my thoughts for the day from a spiritual prospective. (ex) “God, today would you please put someone in my path to witness to.” I call them “morning pages”. Also at night I may go to bed a little early and I’ll carry my bible with me and do some quiet time with God. Meditating on his word and breathing in and out slowly in thankfulness for the breathe He has given me.
What is your favorite Bible Verse? Share with us why you love it so much. My favorite Bible verse changes. For years I clung to Jeremiah 29:11. I needed to be reminded that God truly does have a purpose and a plan for my life. But that changed almost three years ago and my verse has since been Isaiah 40:31, “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” After my husband died God gave me the word “FLY” and it shows up in my spirit every time I read this verse. What I really love about this verse is that it says, “those who trust” will find “new” strength. I know in my life I’m so thankful for that "new" strength. To me that means it comes to you over and over and you become stronger and stronger. Also, Joshua 1:9 has been very useful in my life. “This is my command, Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” A great scripture to read over and over if fear sneaks in. Having struggled with anxiety through the years this verse is a great reminder and my spiritual weapon.
What is your best organizational/planning tip? My best organizational or planning tip . . . well, if you could see my desk right now you would think I didn’t have a clue what that even means. It might appear that I don’t know where things are or what’s going on but I do. Ha! I’m an old school list maker so for me that works. I check things off as I do them. I know there are so many apps for this but again, I’m old school. Ha! Ha!
What is your family’s favorite go-to easy meal? My family now consists of just me, at least under my roof. I am blessed to have grandchildren in my life so meals around here have changed. When my son was little my go to was ole' fashion “goulash." It consisted of browning some hamburger meat, adding a can of cream of chicken soup, throwing in some mac and cheese and seasoning to taste. Most of you probably haven't ever heard of that. Today I am a health and wellness advocate and I eat pretty healthy most of the time so if you were to come to my house for dinner you would probably get served a “stacked” plate. The base is zoodles made from zucchini, sautéed in olive oil and garlic then topped with shaved grilled chicken breast (organic), then topped with sautéed spring onions, red bell peppers and spinach then poured over that would be a cream sauce and shaved fresh parmesan. And you probably wouldn’t get any bread unless I made a gluten free loaf for you.
Tell us your favorite God story (in your own life)? I have several God Stories. There are many I could share. From filling my needs financially, sending a friend in a time of need, healing someone who was sick, mending my broken heart and introducing me to His spirit in a new and fresh way and so many more. The story that I want to share with you briefly is the day He reached down and covered me with wings like an angel and His spirit laid beside me in my bed as I wept uncontrollably from the grief and loss of my husband. On that day God proved to me once again that He is able.
What are your 3 favorite books, other than the Bible of course? Books and me have a love/hate relationship. I love to buy them but then can’t find time to read them all. Ha! There are a couple that I’m reading now. One is Play with Fire by Bianca Olthoff and the other is Turnaround God by Charlotte Gambill. I would recommend them both. Your heart and spirit will be ignited and lifted. I have a third book that I’m working through. It’s actually a COOKBOOK. YumUniverse by Heather Crosby.
Will you share with us at what point in your brokenness were you able to pray again? On that day January 2nd, a month after my sweet husband had died will forever be a “marker” in my life. I could not pray after my husband died. Let me be clear, I was not angry at God but I was numb and although I knew all the Scriptures, they just wouldn’t come. It was on that day that I climbed into “our” bed and began to weep. I’ve never felt so helpless and hopeless in all my life. I cried out to God from the pit of despair. I was broken. In that moment God’s love surrounded me. His breath was upon me. I know that His mighty angels were hovering over me. As time went by, my breath, the breath He had given me, began to change. Slowly but surely words began to come forth, my heart began to pour out, words of prayer began to fill the room and I saw a glimpse of hope. With each prayerful word His spirit grew and my hope increased until I collapsed into his arms and rested for some time. This moment was life changing.
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