Happy May! Below is the link to this month’s iPhone Wallpaper Artwork. A Psalm we should all grip tightly to and commit to memory, as suffering is inevitable in our broken world. BUT, praise Jesus for the promise!
What does Jesus promise to us in and through our suffering?
He promises to comfort us (Matthew 2:4)
He promises nothing is impossible with Him (Matthew 17:20)
He promises us He is in control, and we should not worry (Matthew 6:34)
He promises He is with us always (Matthew 28:20)
He promises us that no one will take our joy from us (John 16:22)
He promises rest for our souls (Matthew 11:29)
He promises us freedom from our suffering (Mark 5:34)
He promises us peace (John 14:27)
and He promises His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10)!
Hand over your suffering to Jesus right this minute. If you are in a season of suffering, I am so sorry. I encourage you to cling tightly to these promises. God wants what's best for you!
We have a small, but mighty prayer team over here that would love to pray for you! Comment below or send us a quick note to hello@anchoredpress.com.
To download wallpaper, click the link below, save image to your phone. Go to the saved photo in your phone and hit "use as wallpaper.” You can scale the size, by pinching in with your fingers. EnJOY!
gpqlntknyx on
May Wallpaper Download – Anchored Press
gpqlntknyx http://www.ge7b1j45zh99q8558e28a66qo2z8nrdqs.org/
Jennifer Bice on
I am currently caring for my terminally ill mother. I was comforted by this verse when I turned to May knowing that she may not live to see June. Thank you for my beautiful planner and these wallpapers.