Oh, the power of words. They can build us up in an instant; yet tear us down the next. I used to think choosing one word for the year was so limiting. How could you really narrow down your focus for the year in one word? But then I tried it last year. My word was PEACE. God kept bringing up that theme in my heart over and over again, just like He did with this years word. I really did feel more at peace last year. I truly can say I conquered stress, overwhelm and anxiety in my soul last year thanks to God helping me meditate on this one word and His promise in John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. I can recall countless times I said the word in my head when catching my anxiety rising, and by repeating John 14:27, I could feel His peace wash over me.
God did the same thing in the last two months of 2016. He kept weaving a word through my days. It would show up in His Word, in a church sermon, through a friend’s wise counsel. He clearly wanted my attention. This year He gave me the word SEEK and put Matthew 6:33 on my heart . . . “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” To be honest, I wasn’t sure He wanted me to choose the word SEEK or FIRST. These two words speak so much life into my “why” behind Anchored Press. I was seeking God first in my day and seeing His fruits come alive in me because of it and I wanted you to experience the same thing. But, I have to make a big confession here. The last couple months of 2016, I was not seeking God first. My days were so full and there was so much midnight oil being burned that I just couldn’t do it in the morning (a printed, dated retail product is no joke people)! But, all excuses aside, it was clearly the enemy keeping me from my good, good Father. And I should point out (and I’m sure those of you in ministry can relate with this), I was in the Word everyday, throughout the day, but it’s just so different. In the Word to write a blog post, design a graphic or respond to an email is wonderful but it just does not compare to that sacred, intimate time in the morning with God. It’s like your mind isn’t murky yet. It’s crystal clear and quiet and easier to listen to His sweet whispers. So, here I am selling a product that encourages you to SEEK God everyday and I was barely doing it. So it’s no surprise that God kept trying to get my attention with Matthew 6:33. While I’m still at the peek of my season and there are still late nights to be had, I’m back to my routine of meeting with Him every morning and it feels so, so good!
I hope my story is a great reminder why a new year and a fresh start are good for the soul. It gives us a chance to look back and reflect on all the good and also the areas we need to grow (or fix in my case). Can you think of a theme God is weaving through your life? Is He trying to get your attention? I’d love to know what your “one word” is for the year. leave it below and I will pray a special prayer over you. Praying hard for you in 2017!
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. MATTHEW 6:33 NIV
Kim on
I love your honesty in this blog. Thank you. Praying for you as you “SEEK.” Expect the enemy to do everything he can to derail you from seeking. Stand firm.
My word is “submit.”
Linda Taylor on
1Peter 4:10
Karyce Grace on
Thank you for being so transparent with us. My word is JOY!
Katherine Devall on
Mine is Commitment.
Teresa on
Thank you for sharing! Mine is obedience. ❤️