5 Ways to Love Well, Right Where You Are

Busy is the buzzword these days. Some wear it as a badge of honor, others don’t even want to speak its name to reality. I fall into the latter. When I am alluding to my “busy” day, I say I have a full day. The word busy just robs me of joy and love. Mostly because I have found that while “comparison is the thief of joy,” I think busy is the thief of love. We are all just too dang busy to love others well. How sad is that? And, I’m sitting here behind this screen typing these words with my hand-raised! I was guilty of this today when I raced past a homeless person in my car, asking for a hand out, but because my “full” plate was making me late to school pick-up, I didn’t stop.

So what if for a minute we stepped back from our “full” planners and really thought about what this four letter word looks like in action? Better yet, let’s see what Proverbs has to say about showing love right where we are.

You ever wonder why God gave us two ears and one mouth? I think He wanted to make a point. He wants us to “be slow to speak and quick to listen” (James 1:19 NIV) for a reason. People want to be heard. Listening tells that person they are valued and you care. When we listen to those around us, making them the focal point of our conversations, we are showing the selfless love of God.

A fool’s way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise. PROVERBS 12:15 CSB

Love always pairs well with a smile. If you want someone to know you care—I see you and I value you; I’m approachable and I’m friendly—flash those pearly whites. And since smiling is contagious, you’ll probably get one back. It’s a win-win! No wonder God has us smiling only a few weeks after we’re born. He knew our smiles would make us irresistible, deepening our attachments to those we love.

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart. PROVERBS 15:30A NLT

Not only does listening show love, but asking questions—How are you feeling? Where did you go on vacation? What’s your favorite breakfast place?—not only makes people feel heard, confirming their voice matters, it broadens our own perspectives about the world we share. And every time we seek to understand our friends, God begins transforming us from being me-focused into others-focused.

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. PROVERBS 1:5 NIV

Have you ever heard the saying you spell love, T-I-M-E? When you give your time to people (the 30 seconds it would have taken me to roll my window down and give a few dollars and a blessing to that man in need today?), you tell that person they are worthy-worthy of your time, worthy of your love.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. PROVERBS 3:27 ESV

It doesn't matter if a person is rich or poor, tall or short, Jesus lover or . . . not, we are all created by God. And all called by God to love everyone. Our shared made-from-God-ness provides so many opportunities to relate to one another—to love one another. Find common ground and watch love break down those walls of differences. 

The rich and poor have this in common: the Lord is the maker of them all. PROVERBS 22:2 NLT


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.



When we talk about quiet time around here, we are simply talking about spending time with God in His Word. The Bible is chock-full of promises, and is “alive and active” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV), “right and true” (Psalm 33:4 NIV), and “God-breathed and useful for teaching” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV).

See, you’re being filled with His Word already, just by reading that first paragraph! But it isn’t always so easy. Sometimes we get hung-up on the “where to start?” part. After all, committing to time in God’s Word while freely talking to the Creator of the universe can seem so . . . involved and complicated—or is it?

For starters, you only need an open heart and an open Bible. Sure there are amazing resources  to use alongside your Bible, such as The Believer’s Bible Commentary, as well as amazing apps, such as Blue Letter Bible—not to mention our Daily and Weekly Planners! (Find some of our favorite tools here). And certainly, there are tips on how to dig right in when your little ones are underfoot, when you’re sleep-deprived, and when you’re fearful (*gasp*) of what God might tell you (all of which—and more!—we will discuss right here on the blog this year).

But . . . only one thing is really needed, and that is to sit at the feet of Jesus. A practical way to do this, to set sail onto still waters with the Lord—the stillest of waters (Psalm 23:2 ESV)—is to use the SOAP acronym as a guide:

S—Scripture—Get to reading the Bible! You could start by taking the verse in your Anchored Press Planner for that day, or week, if you are in the Weekly Planner. Open your Bible, find the verse and start reading where the story started to gain a deeper understanding. Another place to start is with one book of the Bible. For example, read one chapter from Proverbs each day; having 31 chapters, it fits nicely with a 31-day month! Or start with the book of John and learn about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. You could also study along with what your pastor is teaching on the weekends.

O—Observation—In your own words, summarize out-loud what you just read and take notes in your planner or Quiet Time Journal. Find the “who, what, where, why, and when” of the story.

A—Application—How can these truths be woven into your life? What areas do you find yourself stuck, afraid, or repentant? Does what you just read speak into that? Or perhaps you’re not sure what any of it means; put a question mark next to the more puzzling verses.

P—Prayer—Ahh, here we are: prayer. But before you dish, pour, and vent ALL to your heavenly Father, you need to know your position with Him. You are His daughter. He is your Daddy. He longs to reveal Himself to you in His Word—the more lost and brokenhearted you are, the more He zeros-in on pursuing you! (Read Luke 15:1-7 and discover just how committed He is to you!)

So as you navigate through the waters of making quiet time a commitment, give SOAP a try and expect His Word to make you squeaky-clean (Ephesians 5:26 NIV)—and maybe a little sudsy: “But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, BUBBLING spring within them, giving them eternal life" (John 4:14 NLT).



4 Tools to Enhance your Quiet Time

Sitting down with God truly does not require anything more than your Bible and an open heart. After all, James 4:8 tells us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. It doesn’t say He will draw near to us if we have all of the right tools. But over the years, I have found a few things that really help me dig deeper and enrich my time with God, and I want to share them with you.

1—“What the Bible is all about.” Understanding the Bible can be intimidating. Don’t get discouraged! I can read a book of the Bible over and over again and learn something new each time. I actually think God wants it this way. He keeps it fresh for us so we keep coming back for more! One of my favorite resources is What the Bible is all About by Henrietta Mears. It’s an oldie but a goodie (written almost 70 years ago!). I bought mine on Amazon a few years ago for $1.99. I’m not sure there are any “original used”  editions left, but you can still get a revised version on Amazon. When I'm reading a verse or before I read an entire book of the Bible, I use this book to gain a better understanding of the entire story. I like what Henrietta says in the Forward section, “You would never pick up a novel and start  in the middle of it.” It’s also a great book if you are new to reading the Bible . . . it’s so easy to understand! You can find it here

2—Blue Letter Bible APP. Another favorite is an APP called Blue Letter Bible (it’s even free!). You can search it in the APP store under BLB. It’s similar to YouVersion (which I also love for their reading plans), but this has great commentaries, advanced word searches, and even Greek and Hebrew meanings.

3—My favorite gel highlighters. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I “retired” my old Bible. It was a tough decision because I loved landing on a highlighted verse, knowing that God had previously revealed something to me there. And the anticipation to re-read it made me a little giddy inside. But, it was missing a space for journaling. As my time with God has grown over the years, so has my need for more space. With that said, I bought the new She Reads Truth Bible and am loving it. But, it’s in need of a lot of love and highlighting! I also miss Jesus’s words in red, so I’ve been highlighting all of them in pink (hello #pinkletterSundays!), as I come upon them, which has been rewarding. So I use a pink highlighter for His words and a yellow highlighter for verses where God reveals something big to me. And when I’m reading Scripture at church or in my Bible study, I circle the beginning of verses with a pen. You can find my favorites over on Amazon here and here.

4—The Anchored Press Quiet Time Journal. This journal is intended to be your companion to your Bible and your Anchored Press Devotional Planner or whichever tool you are currently using in your quiet time. It is designed as a two-page spread that includes a place to note: the date, Scripture you are studying, what you heard, questions you have, your take away verse, how to apply what God has told you to your life and a spot to write out a prayer. It’s packed with goodness! I designed it because I hadn’t been able to find a journal that flowed and truly captured all that God was telling me. You can find the journal here

I pray these tools enrich your time in God’s Word, like they do mine, confident that as you “draw close to God, He draws close to you,” in ways you’ve never ever experienced before!